Orders placed with FedEx Ground Shipping are processed within 1-2 business days. In addition to order processing time, please allow 3-8 business days for delivery.
Need it faster? We offer FedEx 3-business day shipping for an additional $15.
Three-business day shipping is processed with the below shipping timelines.
Order before noon EST (Eastern Standard Time):
Anything ordered Friday late afternoon/night—Saturday or Sunday—is NOT processed till Monday morning.
Monday estimated arrival of Thursday
Tuesday estimated arrival of Friday
Wednesday estimated arrival of Monday
Thursday estimated arrival of Tuesday
Friday estimated arrival of Wednesday
Please carefully review your order details before confirming- we cannot make changes or cancellations after an order is placed due to a high volume of orders.
*FedEx does not offer service to P.O. boxes. Orders shipping to P.O. boxes will be delayed until we are able to contact you for a business or residential address.